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AGI safety from first principles
Embedded Agency
2022 MIRI Alignment Discussion

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This work was produced as part of Neel Nanda's stream in the ML Alignment & Theory Scholars Program - Winter 2023-24 Cohort, with co-supervision from Wes Gurnee.

This post is a preview for our upcoming paper, which will provide more detail into our current understanding of refusal.

We thank Nina Rimsky and Daniel Paleka for the helpful conversations and review.

Executive summary

Modern LLMs are typically fine-tuned for instruction-following and safety. Of particular interest is that they are trained to refuse harmful requests, e.g. answering "How can I make a bomb?" with "Sorry, I cannot help you."

We find that refusal is mediated by a single direction in the residual stream: preventing the model from representing this direction hinders its ability to refuse requests, and artificially adding in this direction causes the model...

11Buck Shlegeris
This is a very reasonable criticism. I don’t know, I’ll think about it. Thanks.

Thanks, I'd be very curious to hear if this meets your bar for being impressed, or what else it would take! Further evidence:

  • Passing the Twitter test (for at least one user)
  • Being used by Simon Lerman, an author on Bad LLama (admittedly with help of Andy Arditi, our first author) to jailbreak LLaMA3 70B to help create data for some red-teaming research, (EDIT: rather than Simon choosing to fine-tune it, which he clearly knows how to do, being a Bad LLaMA author).
Agreed, it seems less elegant, But one guy on huggingface did a rough plot the cross correlation, and it seems to show that the directions changes with layer Although perhaps we are missing something. omg, I totally missed that, thanks. Let me know if I missed anything else, I just want to learn. The older versions of the gist are in transformerlens, if anyone wants those versions. In those the interventions work better since you can target resid_pre, redis_mid, etc.
2Neel Nanda
Idk. This shows that if you wanted to optimally get rid of refusal, you might want to do this. But, really, you want to balance between refusal and not damaging the model. Probably many layers are just kinda irrelevant for refusal. Though really this argues that we're both wrong, and the most surgical intervention is deleting the direction from key layers only.

I started a dialogue with @Alex_Altair a few months ago about the tractability of certain agent foundations problems, especially the agent-like structure problem. I saw it as insufficiently well-defined to make progress on anytime soon. I thought the lack of similar results in easy settings, the fuzziness of the "agent"/"robustly optimizes" concept, and the difficulty of proving things about a program's internals given its behavior all pointed against working on this. But it turned out that we maybe didn't disagree on tractability much, it's just that Alex... (read more)

3Thomas Kwa
I talked about this with Lawrence, and we both agree on the following: * There are mathematical models under which you should update >=1% in most weeks, and models under which you don't. * Brownian motion gives you 1% updates in most weeks. In many variants, like stationary processes with skew, stationary processes with moderately heavy tails, or Brownian motion interspersed with big 10%-update events that constitute <50% of your variance, you still have many weeks with 1% updates. Lawrence's model where you have no evidence until either AI takeover happens or 10 years passes does not give you 1% updates in most weeks, but this model is almost never the case for sufficiently smart agents. * Superforecasters empirically make lots of little updates, and rounding off their probabilities to larger infrequent updates make their forecasts on near-term problems worse. * Thomas thinks that AI is the kind of thing where you can make lots of reasonable small updates frequently. Lawrence is unsure if this is the state that most people should be in, but it seems plausibly true for some people who learn a lot of new things about AI in the average week (especially if you're very good at forecasting).  * In practice, humans often update in larger discrete chunks. Part of this is because they only consciously think about new information required to generate new numbers once in a while, and part of this is because humans have emotional fluctuations which we don't include in our reported p(doom). * Making 1% updates in most weeks is not always just irrational emotional fluctuations; it is consistent with how a rational agent would behave under reasonable assumptions. However, we do not recommend that people consciously try to make 1% updates every week, because fixating on individual news articles is not the right way to think about forecasting questions, and it is empirically better to just think about the problem directly rather than obsessing about how many updates you're m
1Tsvi Benson-Tilsen
Probabilities on summary events like this are mostly pretty pointless. You're throwing together a bunch of different questions, about which you have very different knowledge states (including how much and how often you should update about them).

This is a write up of the Google DeepMind mechanistic interpretability team’s investigation of how language models represent facts. This is a sequence of 5 posts, we recommend prioritising reading post 1, and thinking of it as the “main body” of our paper, and posts 2 to 5 as a series of appendices to be skimmed or dipped into in any order.

Executive Summary

Reverse-engineering circuits with superposition is a major unsolved problem in mechanistic interpretability: models use clever compression schemes to represent more features than they have dimensions/neurons, in a highly distributed and polysemantic way. Most existing mech interp work exploits the fact that certain circuits involve sparse sets of model components (e.g. a sparse set of heads), and we don’t know how to deal with distributed circuits,...

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
You may be interested in works like REMEDI and Identifying Linear Relational Concepts in Large Language Models.

I hadn't seen the latter, thanks for sharing!


We develop a technique to try and detect if a NN is doing planning internally. We apply the decoder to the intermediate representations of the network to see if it’s representing the states it’s planning through internally. We successfully reveal intermediate states in a simple Game of Life model, but find no evidence of planning in an AlphaZero chess model. We think the idea won’t work in its current state for real world NNs because they use higher-level, abstract representations for planning that our current technique cannot decode. Please comment if you have ideas that may work for detecting more abstract ways the NN could be planning.

Idea and motivation

To make safe ML, it’s important to know if the network is performing mesa optimization, and if so, what...

Rationality-related writings that are more comment-shaped than post-shaped. Please don't leave top-level comments here unless they're indistinguishable to me from something I would say here.

Frankfurt-style counterexamples for definitions of optimization

In "Bottle Caps Aren't Optimizers", I wrote about a type of definition of optimization that says system S is optimizing for goal G iff G has a higher value than it would if S didn't exist or were randomly scrambled. I argued against these definitions by providing a examples of systems that satisfy the criterion but are not optimizers. But today, I realized that I could repurpose Frankfurt cases to get examples of optimizers that don't satisfy this criterion.

A Frankfurt case is a thought experim... (read more)

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